Sober living

Eminem Talks “Relapse 2,” Michael Jackson, drug addiction

His harrowing revelations form just one small piece of director Matthew Cooke’s wide-ranging documentary on the drug trade and its participants. The film, which was co-produced by Entourage‘s Adrian Grenier and also features interviews with 50 Cent, Woody Harrelson, Freeway Rick Ross, and The Wire‘s David Simon, opened in theaters this week. For Eminem fans, […]

The Real Consequences of Drunk Driving

Accidents involving drinking over the legal BAC can end in death. Mothers against Drunk Driving (MADD) is the nation’s largest nonprofit working to protect families from impaired driving and underage drinking. Penalties should include a combination of administrative sanctions (e.g. driving licence suspension) and criminal ones (e.g. mandatory minimum fines) of adequate severity. Make this […]

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